
Searching for Luyckx

Keiran Bruce Luyckx is looking for another member of the Luyckx family, also known as Biological Mother, located in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

Keiran Bruce Luyckx is looking for another member of the Luyckx family, also known as Biological Mother, located in Edmonton Alberta Canada.
Keiran Bruce Luyckx has been trying to find another member of the Luyckx family since Sunday May 13, 2012.

Keiran Bruce Luyckx has left the following message for Luyckx :
Keiran Bruce was born and adopted in 1975 in Edmonton to a Calgary couple. Biological mother has veto'd information. If biological mother is willing to have email contact only it would be greatly appreciated (i.e. to provide current medical information that would benefit Keiran and his children, other information if willing/comfortable, are you curious like us?). As another option, Keiran's wife would be willing to meet in a public place if you prefer personal contact. Please know our intentions: We will not announce any of your shared information publicly - we understand the importance of confidentiality. Like you, we would be willing to answer questions depending on our comfort level. If you could please consider this.

If you are a member of the Luyckx family, simply fill out the form below to contact Keiran Bruce Luyckx. Once you have submitted the form, your message will be sent to Keiran Bruce Luyckx.

By clicking the submit button you grant us permission to communicate with you by e-mail for the purposes specific to this form.