Yura, Mary

Searching for Mary Yura

David Yura is looking for Mary Yura located in Lansford Pennsylvania United States.

David Yura is looking for Mary Yura located in Lansford Pennsylvania United States.
David Yura has been trying to find Mary Yura since Saturday April 27, 2013.

David Yura has left the following message for Mary Yura :
Mary Yura was my great-Aunt. She is now deceased. She lived in Lansford, PA or Mauch Chunk (now known as Jim Thorpe PA). Probably passed away in the 1980's or 90's. Any background information would be helpful! Her brother John Yura, who lived with her for sometime was my dad's father, my grandfather. Left Munhall, PA in Western Pennsylvania in 1918 or 1919. Believed to have moved back to Eastern PA with sister Mary & son Teddy, or was possibly seen out in California working on a train as a coachman. Thank you.

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