Lewis, Melvin Cecil

Searching for Melvin Cecil Lewis

Deborah Humphreys is looking for Melvin Cecil Lewis located in Ontario Canada.

Deborah Humphreys is looking for Melvin Cecil Lewis located in Ontario Canada.
Deborah Humphreys has been trying to find Melvin Cecil Lewis since Wednesday February 10, 2016.

Deborah Humphreys has left the following message for Melvin Cecil Lewis :
I am trying to locate my brother. Last heard from him in 1979 saying he was getting married in Ontario. Not sure of the City. His name is Melvin Cecil Lewis a foster child of my mom and dad James Harold Rutherford and Alice Regina Rutherford. They lived in Surrey British Columbia when he came to live with them. I sure would like to find him now. I was adopted to them when I was 5 years old and I think Melvin would be about 5-6 years older than me. I was born in 1957. He went to private school in Shawnigan Lake and Cliffside private school on Vancouver Island. Thank you for your help.

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