Seenivasagam, Rita

Searching for Rita Seenivasagam

Mr. Mahandra Roopchan is looking for Rita Seenivasagam located in United Kingdom.

Mr. Mahandra Roopchan is looking for Rita Seenivasagam located in United Kingdom.
Mr. Mahandra Roopchan has been trying to find Rita Seenivasagam since Monday December 05, 2016.

Mr. Mahandra Roopchan has left the following message for Rita Seenivasagam :
Hello Rita Seenivasagam, You may recognize my name. We were at school together in 1972-77 at Tollington Park School, London, United Kingdom. We did technical drawing for two years in the same class under Mr. Heath and possibly Mr. Banks. A number of former students of the school have made contact on Facebook. You can find me on that. Very kind regards, Mr. Mahandra Roopchan

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