Ehrnst, Sheila Ann

Searching for Sheila Ann Ehrnst

Christine Barrett is looking for Sheila Ann Ehrnst located in Minnesota United States.

Christine Barrett is looking for Sheila Ann Ehrnst located in Minnesota United States.
Christine Barrett has been trying to find Sheila Ann Ehrnst since Wednesday November 18, 2015.

Christine Barrett has left the following message for Sheila Ann Ehrnst :
I am searching for family with the last name Ehrnst. I'm looking for my mother's biological family. She was adopted in 1952, in Minnesota. I do not have the names of her birth parents, All I have is a name she was given Sheila Ann Ehrnst. I know her mother had blue eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. And her father had dark hair, dark eyes, and dark complexion. My grandparents were contacted by Catholic Welfare association, she was born in June of 1952. If you know anything or think you could help, please reach out. Thank you

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