Klar, Saul

Searching for Saul Klar

Harriet Benson (Wilson) is looking for Saul Klar, also known as Solly Or Saully, located in Montreal Quebec Canada.

Harriet Benson (Wilson) is looking for Saul Klar, also known as Solly Or Saully, located in Montreal Quebec Canada.
Harriet Benson (Wilson) has been trying to find Saul Klar since Sunday July 16, 2017.

Harriet Benson (Wilson) has left the following message for Saul Klar :
I am searching information on my biological father whose name was Saul Klar. My Mother's name was Mary Wilson and I was born in 1945 in Montreal Quebec and lived on St. Dominique Street at the time of my birth. I would just like know about him and would be very grateful for any information.

If you are Saul Klar, simply fill out the form below to contact Harriet Benson (Wilson). Once you have submitted the form, your message will be sent to Harriet Benson (Wilson).

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