
Searching for Susan

Omowumi Ayotunde is looking for Susan located in Canada.

Omowumi Ayotunde is looking for Susan located in Canada.
Omowumi Ayotunde has been trying to find Susan since Tuesday October 18, 2016.

Omowumi Ayotunde has left the following message for Susan :
I am looking for Susan. We met way back in the 1970s in Canada and she became pregnant with my baby before I left around 1977 for Nigeria. I don't remember her last name but Emily is the name of our child. I also have a picture of her (Susan) which was taken way back 1977.

If you are Susan, simply fill out the form below to contact Omowumi Ayotunde. Once you have submitted the form, your message will be sent to Omowumi Ayotunde.

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